Weekly Forecast Update September 11, 2020
Fluid Milk Market Wildfires in the West are reportedly impacting milk production. Inferior air quality is causing some farms issues. With air quality deteriorating as far away as to Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and Utah, there could be a noticeable impac…
Weekly Forecast Update September 4, 2020
Fluid Milk Market USDA announced the August Class III price this week at $19.77/cwt and Class IV at $12.53, declines of $4.77, and $1.23, respectively, from July. Despite the large declines, August may reflect improved milk checks for dairy producer…
Monthly Forecast Update
Monthly Forecast Updates for September 2020 Revised October Class I milk price lower vs. previous forecast due to lower Class III and IV prices in September. Reduced September 2020 Class III milk price forecast due to steep spot price declines at th…
Weekly Forecast Update August 28, 2020
Forecast Updates No significant changes other than spot prices this week. Fluid Milk Marke t Heat and humidity slowed milk output in various parts of the country. That said, relative to last year’s meager growth rate, output in August could still su…
Weekly Forecast Update August 21, 2020
We ekly Forecast Forecast Updates Reduced nearby block and barrel cheese forecast from last week. Ceres is still forecasting a recovery in prices during the fall. Lowered butter forecast, but still forecasting a price lift as the holiday season appr…
Weekly Forecast Update August 14, 2020
Weekly Forecast Forecast Updates CME cheese markets appear to have bottomed for now – that resulted in a slight adjustment to the outlook for barrels, no change for blocks. Adjusted September and October prices lower while maintaining an expectation…